- To provide a systematic understanding of Spirituality from a theological perspective
- To assist students to integrate their theological studies with their spirituality and attain sufficient familiarity with major principles of Catholic Spirituality and Discernment
Nature and Scope of Spiritual Theology:
Terminology, Method, Sources, Types, Schools.
Understanding Christian Holiness: Holiness in the Old Testament; Holiness in
the New Testament; Jesus Christ the Focal Point of Christian Holiness; The
Father goal of the all creatures - Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life -
the Holy Spirit Sanctifier.
The Supernatural Life: The Goal of our Striving; The Supernatural Organism;
Grace (Sanctifying, actual graces, effects), Acquired Virtues, Infused Virtues,
Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Beatitudes.
Sin and Struggle against Sin: Nature of Sin; Temptations; Two Distinct manner
of the War of the Flesh
5. Christian Prayer: Revelation of Prayer (in
the Old Testament, in the New Testament, and in the Age of the Church),
Tradition of Prayer (Wellsprings of Prayer, the Way of Prayer and the Guides to
Prayer), Life of Prayer (Journey of Prayer and Expressions of Prayer), Battle
of Prayer (Objections to Prayer, Difficulties in Prayer, temptation in Prayer).
Aids to Spiritual Growth (The Presence of God, Examination of Conscience, The Desire for Perfection, Conformity to
God's Will, Fidelity to Grace, Plan of Life, Spiritual Reading, Holy Friendships, Spiritual Direction);
Perfection of the Christian Life and Passive Purification (“night of the
senses” and the “night of the spirit”)
Discernment of Spirits (Types of Spirits, Psychosomatic Phenomena,
Extraordinary Mystical Phenomena; Discernment of the spirits in Ignatius Loyola).
Specific Goals:
1. To introduce the student to the basic understanding of the journey
of holiness
2. To introduce the students to the essential knowledge about spiritual
life, struggle against sin and growth in virtues
3. To help the student to grasp the importance and components of the
life of prayer
To give the student sufficient
grounding to discernment of the spirits
Specific Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course,
the student will be able to:
- Integrate better their theological
studies with their spiritual life and attain sufficient familiarity with
major principles of Catholic Spirituality
- To have the essential knowledge
about the spiritual journey of a Christian
- Have the essential
doctrinal foundations to guiding souls and discerning the spirits