Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Imitation of Christ (Patrick Makau)

The Imitation of Christ
It is relevant and devotional!
            Thomas A Kempis was born at kampen in 1379 or 1380. at the age of thirteen he was placed in a school conducted by the Society of Brothers and Sisters of the common life at Deventer in Holland. where he remained for seven years. at about the age of nineteen, he entered the order of St Augustine at the monastery of mount St Agnes, near Zwolle and at the age of thirty three, was ordained a priest. he was a priest for sixty years, as a model religious he was a source of edification and inspiration to all his brethren. he frequently preached in the church attached to the monastery and two of his sermons, prayer and meditations on the life of Christ and the incarnation and life of our lord,  circulate even today. he died on July 25, 1471.
            I decided to study this book because it is relevant to me today as a religious brother, it is devotional and it will enrich my spiritual life and help me grow in the grace of Christ. the book reminds me that I am a stranger here on earth and heaven is my true home. while reading it I will try my level best to be in quiet union with God as I reflect more about the book.
NB: Am relying on the material of The imitation of Christ( Thomas A Kempis) as translated by Sr M. Nazarene, FSP and Revised by Sr Augustine Nemer, FSP. by paulines publications revised edition, 2008.

Reflection 1 (19th September)
Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven
Reading this spiritual classic, it has dawned on me that, though educated we may be, it is not the arts and sciences which make us just and be friends with God; but rather the spirit of charity and the christian virtues within us. A simple person who is contrite and humble of heart is more pleasing to God than the greatest professor who is full of pride and thinks himself great. The greatest wisdom lies in aspiring to gain the kingdom of heaven, one will gain the kingdom of heaven by reading the scriptures with humility and simplicity, with faith and submission; for God speaks to us in the sacred scriptures. we therefore have nothing to be proud of because all that is good in us, either by grace or in the order of nature comes from God; and to Him all Glory is due

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